Bank Pekao S.A.

Retail Warszawa 2022

The choice of the methodology of our work with the Pekao brand was initiated by the victory in an organized competition for the creation of a facility of the future, which was to be comprehensively adapted to various branch areas, special buildings or islands (adapted to shopping centers or universities). In the Bank Pekao SA project, we were responsible for:

  • authorship of the new concept of retail outlets
  • executive and construction design
  • author's supervision over the entire investment

It is worth noting that the project identified specific zones that were responsible for various functions performed by the bank (e.g. entrance zone, activity zone, kids zone, meeting rooms, etc.) - which in their entirety were to show the friendly aspect of the visited facility for various groups. The created concept was based on values, i.e. Polishness, community, support in development, which in their complexity are supposed to connect generations, correspond with trends, distinguish agency and dynamics, and above all evoke positive emotions.

The issue that reflected the idea for the project was to find a common part that connects Poles and is also their national pride. The perfect combination of these areas, according to our office, was nature and Polish landscapes supplemented with Polish design. The facility was primarily supposed to be friendly, and the created design was timeless, based on nature - natural materials, subdued colors.

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